Thursday, February 11, 2016

Register Today for Young People in Mission!

Young People in Mission, a camp experience with hands-on mission opportunities for youth and young adults, will be held June 26-30, 2016 at beautiful Lake Junaluska. Our hope is that this event serves as a launch to empower young people to serve with new eyes and a heart for Christ. Participants serve with local mission projects, worship together, fellowship and grow with family groups, dive into Bible studies, and learn from featured speakers and the City of Opportunity.
2016's theme of The Living Word: Living the Word is based on 2 Timothy 3:16-17, and daily studies and workshops will focus on being grounded in Scripture as we embark on both mission service, as well as our daily lives.

Acclaimed United Methodist pastor Rev. Telley Lynette Gadson will be leading our daily Bible studies. Other speakers include Miss Georgie Wood, who served with Africa University at just 15 years of age, author Rev. Eddie Spencer, and Rev. Lorenza Andrade-Smith, who spent a 3 year appointment living among the homeless across the United States. 
Rev. Telley Lynette Gadson, Georgie Wood, Rev. Eddie Spencer, Rev. Lorenza Andrade-Smith
YPIM is an incredibly connectional event; our workshops and the City of Opportunity bring together representatives from UMC General Boards and Agencies, as well as leaders from a variety of mission projects, and allows participants to connect with the numerous ways they can engage in missions.
This of course wouldn't be a mission event if participants were not given the chance to engage in a service opportunity. A full day is set aside in our schedulefor groups to serve with projects in the area, with the option of a second day.

Peer-to-peer fellowship, mentoring, and encouragment is a big part of YPIM. Our Design Team, made up 6 students from across the Jurisdiction, have been meeting and working together since last summer to ensure that this event is as amazing as ever.

Registration is now open on the UMVIM, SEJ website! All costs except transportation are covered in the $326 registration fee (if registered by May 15, with 3 persons to a room; other pricing packages are available). Please contact UMVIM, SEJ or visit the YPIM page on our website for more information. Hope to see you there!