Since October 2, 2014, Gray has been the Disaster Liaison,
a role she will continue, serving as the contact between SEJ Conference
Disaster Response Coordinators and UMVIM, SEJ.
Her role is primarily communicating the need for volunteers in disaster
affected area and as part of the planning team for the annual SEJ Disaster
Academy. Gray shares the importance of the SEJ Disaster Academy, “The SEJ
Disaster Academy is not just for those who have already involved in disaster
response. It is for anyone who has an interest in serving after a disaster and
long into recovery. We forget sometimes that a disaster can effect a community
long after the actual event is over, and the Disaster Academy is a great place
to start learning about how the UMC is involved in disaster response and where
you can fit it. It is also a training tool for those who are already involved.
The Disaster world is changing, and we are always working to make our responses
better. This is a great academy for any and every one to attend.”
She is an Early Response Team Trainer and at times
assists UMCOR with SEJ ERT Trainer evaluations.
She is also responsible for making Early Response Team badges. Gray began a quarterly SEJ Disaster
Newsletter last Fall and attended the last two National Volunteer Organizations
Active in Disaster (VOAD) meetings.
As a graduate of Auburn University with a Bachelors of
Science in Human Development and Family Studies and Asbury Theological Seminary
with a Masters of Arts in Intercultural Studies, Gray utilized her studies as
well as her passion for mission to go through Individual Volunteer training
(now known as Mission Volunteers). She lived
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during 2011-2013 teaching English as a Second
Language. Gray attended St. James UMC in
Montgomery, AL and is now attends First United Methodist Church, Birmingham,
AL. She is also on the UAB Wesley
Foundation Board of Directors.
The UMVIM, SEJ Board is proud to have Gray move into this
leadership role allowing her to interact more closely with team leaders and church
members. She puts it bests herself, “I
wish that everyone knew what a resource UMVIM, SEJ can be for local churches
and volunteers. I believe our office and our staff really are a hub of
information that can be so beneficial when planning a team or trying to get
your church involved in missions.”