Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mission Highlight: Cambodia

In January of this year, UMVIM SEJ Executive Director, Paulette West, traveled with a group to Cambodia to explore UMC Projects, develop relationships with project leaders, and gain a greater sense as to how the Church is moving and growing in Southeast Asia.
Paulette’s trip was preceded by a group from the Virginia Conference led by Rev. Glenn Rowley, Virginia Conference Director of Justice and Missional Excellence. In 2012, the Virginia Conference added Cambodia to their Initiatives of Hope Mission Ministry, and as listed on their website, they are “charged with equipping pastors and laity in their work of sharing the gospel and building community as they preach, teach and work in partnership to meet social and spiritual needs in their villages and cities.”

While in Cambodia, Paulette had the opportunity to interview several UMC Missionaries who are serving in different capacities.
The first interview is from Ester Karimi Gitobu, UMC Missionary from Kenya and VIM Coordinator. In this video she discusses opportunities for VIM Teams and Volunteers. 

The second interview is from Romeo del Rosario, UMC Missionary in Cambodia, and in this video he talks about the population in Cambodia and opportunities for the church to grow through children and young people. “We have to think of ways by which the church can be in ministry with the children and the youth.”-Romeo.

The final interview is with Clara Mridula Biswas, UMC Missionary in Cambodia from Bangladesh. She serves with education and children's ministries. Also, as a special treat for our hearts, there are several videos of worship, preschool kids laughing, and three videos of children singing.

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