Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mission Highlight: Young People in Mission

Eight students gathered to create. Eight students gathered to pray. Eight students gathered to share their ideas, wrestle with their ideas, and weave their ideas into the outline for the 2014 gathering of Young People in Mission.
The eight students form the Design Team for Young People in Mission and put into practice the hard work which goes into planning and implementing the camp experience with hands-on mission opportunities; hosting students from across the Southeastern Jurisdiction.
This year’s conference will be hosted at Lake Junaluska, June 29th-July 3rd.
With the hope that this event will serve as a launch to empower youth and young adults to serve with new eyes and a heart for Christ, the Design Team chose the simple, yet incredibly complex, theme: ________Justice. Speakers from mission projects and churches will discuss and share ideas about Kingdom Justice, Relational Justice, Restorative Justice and Holistic Justice and how these all fit together for Glory of God.
Each night, Rev. R.G. Lyons, Senior Pastor at Community Church Without Walls, will stretch, encourage, and challenge the students through a Bible Study relating to the theme of the day.
Youth and Young Adults will have the opportunity to serve with mission projects in the area Monday afternoon and all day Tuesday. They will also split into family groups to share and (hopefully) build new friendships.
Workshops will be held each day with speakers sharing different ways students can be involved in mission in their hometowns, across the nation, and/or throughout the world. The workshop leaders will also have more details and can talk in depth at The City of Opportunity. There, students can learn more about how they can make a difference as they are called.
On the final day, Rev. Lyons will lead the group in Communion and a Sending Forth Service.
This is the first year that UMVIM, SEJ has worked with the leadership of Young People in Mission to help coordinate the event. We are so excited to work with this talented group of students and the many more we hope to meet over the summer.
For more information about registering or details, please email
Details are on our website at this link:
Registration will be open when we launch our new website, toward the end of February.
“Unlike any other conference I’ve gone to, or camp, you’re given so many different opportunities through Young People in Mission to just reach out in your own community and to the world.”-Rachel Russell, Design Team Chairperson

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