In 2016, Our Mission Highlights will focus internally, on what UMVIM, SEJ does to serve the short-term mission community within the United Methodist Church. Join us this year as we focus on the ways we equip teams and their leaders through Resources, Trainings, Mission Opportunities, Healthy & Safety education, and Relationship-building. |
In our previous Mission Highlights, we told you how we serve short-term mission volunteers through Resources and Training. The next step is to find the Mission Opportunity that fits your group's interest and abilities. We work with projects across the United Methodist connection so teams can serve where and how they are being called. These opportunities range from healthcare and education, disaster response and recovery, construction and home repair, and everything in between. Read on to find out more. |
Mission Opportunities Lists
UMVIM, SEJ maintains the International Mission Opportunity List, and all projects on the Internationaland Domestic Lists are developed with the leadership in the regions or country in which they are located. UMVIM helps connect volunteers with project leaders to assist with the resources and skills to see projects to completion. If you're not sure whichMission Opportunity is right for your short-term mission journey, we are here to help. (Check out our Mission Highlight on Resources to learn more about how our staff is available to assist you in every aspect of short-term service!) |
Medical Missions
Medical-based mission trips make up a large percentage of the UMVIM effort. Doctors, nurses, dentists, and others from the medical field take their expertise to underserved areas across the globe to provide quality medical care. If you are a healthcare provider and would like more information on how you can volunteer your time and services, check out the Medical Missions page on our GO! tab for more information. Our Medical Missions blog, run by UMVIM board member Jane Dunn, is a wonderful source of information. |
Disaster Response
UMVIM, SEJ works with UMCOR and Conference Disaster Response Coordinators to communicate the need for volunteer teams to disaster-affected areas. A generous UMCOR grant has allowed us to bring a Disaster Response Liaison onto our staff to further our ability to connect volunteers to the appropriate response. Click here to head over to the UMVIM, SEJ Disaster Response page, where you will find opportunities all around the Jurisdiction, and contact information for your conference's Disaster Response Coordinator. |
Youth and Young Adults
Today's young people are tomorrow's leaders, and we are intentional about providing opportunities to the Next Generation of the United Methodist Church. In 2013 we launched a Summer Internship Program where the brightest of the SEJ youth are able to serve in local and international placements. It can be challenging for youth leaders to find appropriate opportunities that develop both disciples and leaders, so we have developed a Mission Opportunity List that is geared to youth-appropriate mission opportunities. Click here to check it out. |
You don't have to look far to see the wide variety of ways UMVIM, SEJ provides opportunities for you to serve. Continue to stay in touch with us this year to learn how UMVIM, SEJ is here to connect you into mission opportunities across globe and equip you for service. Click here if you are not already receiving our Weekly Updates, Mission Highlights, and more. |
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